Thursday, August 13, 2009

Wedding Prices

Recently a wave of phone and web inquiries have been coming into the Studio asking for prices of our wedding packages. My guess is that people are shopping ONLY for a price, especially when you take into account the current unemployment and economic scenarios. And yet most of the time people don't even leave a name or number, just want us to respond to an "empty" email address. Empty in the sense that there is no person associated to the email. We know nothing about them...their interests, tastes, styles, or even more importantly, what and how much they value photography. Yet these are very important factors to the Studio when working with future clients. Today, more than ever, a person can pick up a consumer camera, turn it on, and instantly take a very respectable photographic image. All camera at that thought to composition, lighting, design, color balance, get the idea. A camera can only record the photographic image as seen by the photographer. And I'm not sure most people understand the relationship between talent and education as it relates to what makes a truly artistic, professional photographer. But then again, when you only look at price as the qualifying factor, I do believe you get what you pay for. Here is another recent wedding image...sure to garnish an award at a future print competition. Carpe Diem!

1 comment:

Jessie said...

Very well said! I think it is our responsibility as professionals to help educate our clients in the sense that even though camera prices are coming down to where most consumers can now own a very nice piece of gear, there is no comparison to what a professional photographer can provide as far as final product. Your artistic vision, your education, your ability to compose and edit the image - these are all things that your client pay you for. Consumers may think they want a CD of all their wedding images, but then they will visit a friend who has a gorgeous heirloom quality album of retouched images where every single subject looks like a million bucks. The colors will be vibrant, the skin like porcelain. And is something that can be cherished for generations. Then they will wonder what they are supposed to do with their CD of unedited images. (ok, getting off my soapbox now...)

And yes, I agree - this image will rock at the next print competition.