Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Wedding Art

Last month I attended, and hosted, an all day workshop held at STUDIO 42, which was led by nationally acclaimed wedding photographer David Ziser. David and his wife were nothing more than the kindest, most gracious and pleasant people you would want to host. David spent the Wednesday night before addressing 65+ photographers on his style and approach to wedding photography at the Chicagoland Professional Photographers Association. With the very next morning speaking at the studio and planning a live-wedding model-session. David shared numerous ideas, suggestions and approaches to helping make wedding photography more artistic and a better value for our brides and grooms. But one of the more profound things he said that has lingered with me was this...When I am hired to photograph a wedding, I have been given the greatest honor and privilege to share in this couple's and family's special day. It is an HONOR...and that very statement has given me a different perspective on photographing weddings for my brides and grooms. Thank you David for the inspiration. Here is an image from a wedding just 2 days after the seminar...Carpe Diem!

1 comment:

Jessie said...

Dan, this image is simply stunning. I am glad the workshop went so well. David Ziser rocks!