Thursday, April 2, 2009

Studio 42 and Mom

Took this photograph of the front entrance of the studio several days ago. Planned on using it for a headshot/promotion image. Still might, but for now will share it here. In my mind, the front area of the studio is always in mind gets ideas often to move furniture or to move/hang new images all around. What about this? What about that? This comes from a good part of my mother in me...she is constantly redesigning the house I grew up in with new colors or just moving furniture (sometimes even buying new furniture when she really doesn't need it). So I usually cut myself some slack as I believe I come by it honestly. I love you Mom! Thanks for being such a powerful supporter of me and my photography. Carpe Diem!

1 comment:

Jessie said...

Woot! Your studio looks AWESOME, my friend. Can't wait to come down for a visit!