Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Doggy Portrait

A recent Bride and Groom that I photographed in February happen to be dog sitting yesterday. New Bride Jennifer stopped by about some wedding orders and shared the story of how an elderly lady that her husband stayed with some time ago became ill and had become concerned who would take care of her treasured pet while she was in the hospital. Jennifer and Ryan agreed to care for the dog until she came back home. So we did a quick "Doggy Portrait session"...along with a mat-framed portrait to give to the women in the hospital...all compliments of Studio 42. I could not think of a better gift to give a women in the hospital, especially when she was so concerned about her beloved pet. Get well soon! Carpe Diem.

1 comment:

Jessie said...

You have such a big heart! What an awesome gift.