I had a meeting with a business colleague today. We talked about a variety of things but one statement he made resonated strongly. It all began with this question: "What is the first utensil you use when you go to a restaurant?" Stumbling cautiously I answered "a fork". He corrected me and said, " Actually, isn't it your eyes?" And with that he got me to ponder the idea that most of what we do each day begins with what we see. It made me think that this very statement is what helps to give value to photography. Photography begins with what we see. It begins the journey into the emotion, the impact, the creativity, the style in which the photographer viewed as he or she pressed the shutter. It then crosses borders and begins to impact the person viewing the work. Each and every person viewing a photograph has their own experience. Hopefully you will enjoy the preceding images. Shown are a few images taken of Dalena, a model from the Chicago area. Thanks to her for the idea of taking some photographs downtown. Carpe diem!