Today I had a memorable moment regarding children with my good friend and fellow photographer Theresa Costa. Our conversation began discussing the challenges of helping in a professional organization and how
TIME is the one thing that can not be recovered once it has passed. Conversation was abruptly interrupted by her son running into her office to share his news of the one corn stalk he planted in the spring having grown some actual corn! And I could hear his full-bodied excitement through the phone...a memorable moment for me today! It reminded me...that life is precious, so very precious, and we need to take life lessons from children, especially us
busy adults. When was the last time you became excited seeing something as simple as a corn stalk growing? Do you fully enjoy the little things that happen each day in your life? Are you thankful for what you have rather than worried about what you don't possess? This caused reflection for me in the studio today and after filing my sales tax online for the first time (the government tells me that it is
easier for me...how nice of them to think of me so kindly) I decided to search for the Tea Party portraits I did recently. The portrait helped me reflect on how life for children is and should be simple, fun, inquisitive and full of exploration. Something as simple as a set of play cups and pots created joy and an enjoyable moment for this "little flower girl". Carpe Diem!